School Fee

Tuition fee etc. for the year should be deposited in the Bank according to the schedule given below:

Last date for installment
of fee
Without fie With fie of Rs.100/-
1st instalment April, 30th May ,10th
2nd instalment July, 31st August ,10th
3rd instalment October, 31st September, 5th
4th instalment January, 20th January, 31st

The name of the pupil will be struck off from the school Roll for nonpayment of the fee consecutively for 2 instalments.

  • No reduction in the fee will be allowed for any period of absence.
  • Please fil the pay in slip correctly. Offie is not responsible for the mistakes of the amount paid.
  • Late fee with a fie of Rs. 100 each for the successive month are to bepaid along with fee in the bank.
  • Fee for whole year can be deposited together