Attendance & Leave

All are expected to attend school on the re-opening day after each vacation.

  • Application for leave should be applied as the sample given in the school Diary. Leave for more than 3 days must be sent to the principal.
  • Repeated absence without information more than ten consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls and usual admission fee will be charged if he/she is re-admitted.
  • It is compulsory for every student to put in 80% of the total attendance.
  • Regular attendance in class is an important factor of good education, no leave of absence will be granted except on serious reasons.
  • Applications for sick leave involving more than fie consecutive days should be supported by a medical certifiate, No child who is sick should be sent to school.
  • Half day leave will not be granted to students. Once they come to school, they have to attend the whole day, unless requested by parents in case of an emergency.
  • All students should come to class on time even during evaluations (PTM). Habitual late coming may lead to expulsion of the students from the school.
  • After holidays (summer, winter, Diwali) students should be present on the re-opening days. Late comers are liable to be fied. The pupil must be present on both the opening and the closing days. In case of absence, due to illness the Principal must be informed in writing on the closing and opening day, whichever is applicable.