Our Founder

The congregation of the “Sisters of the Destitute” (SD) is founded in the year 1927 by Servant of God Fr. Varghese Payapilly, fascinated by the compassionate love of Jesus Christ.
Servant of God Fr. Varghese Payapilly was one of the greatest educators of 20th century who followed the God centered pattern of education. Like his Divine Guru, he too was an educator of souls. He taught in accord with the educational principles contained in the Word of God. He realized the truth that it is God who runs the school and he is merely a channel of His Grace, an instrument doing the planting and watering. He generously utilize all his talents infused by God along with his natural abilities, for the welfare and overall growth of the students and the boarders. As an educationist, he understood that the goal of education is to train and bring to maturity the whole person – body, mind and soul. He died on 5th October 1929.